Art Dump.

This first one is my D&D character for the campaign we're sort-of-currently playing. (Our two main DMs switch off, and it's currently the other game.) She used to work in a brothel, but then she was saved by some religious type person, and decided to devote herself to a religion. Thankfully, she managed to find a goddess who . . . shares her views. She's trying really hard, she just has no idea what she's doing.

This is part of my Convention Adventure series, actually. It's my friend Anna at CONvergence 2009. Most of these can be found at muffinsquire.deviantart.com, if you're interested.

This is an ID I made to use on my deviantart page. I basically traced a photograph, then modified it somewhat. This is my most current ID. Also, it's a .png, so I apologize if Blogger freaks out when you try and look at it.

This drawing is going to be sold at Anime Detour 2010, and is actually a redraw of a picture I did about a year ago. Zelda, Link and Malon. :3