Anyway. I've been super busy with school. I have piles and piles of homework, plus I have to try and work on cleaning my room, attempt to have a social life, knit, and--oh right--sleep. Basically, if it weren't for art class, I would rarely get a chance to draw at all. Sort of. xP
Speaking of art class, this is what we're working on right now.

It's a negative space drawing! Or, it will be, at least! See how some of the parts have started being blacked in? Yeah. We have all of the next class period to work on it, and I didn't want to start filling in huge spaces without charcoal if I couldn't fix it, and I can't really fix it until it's done.
But I'm really proud of this one! And! And! And! My professor used my drawing as an example for some of the students who weren't getting it for what a negative space drawing "should" look like. I was super proud of myself. :)
I also did a continuous line drawing of John in my class sketchbook that I'm super proud of. If I get the chance, I'll upload it. I just need to figure out how to scan it in or something without tearing it out.